What is the Customer Satisfaction Score in Call Center
With the increasing share of customers in the market and the competitive edge, every company aims to achieve a high customer satisfaction score. Call Center commonly known as BPO, plays a pivotal role in delivering customer satisfaction scores for a company. Call Center is primarily a customer service outsourcing partner for most of the brands hence the role of call center in achieving Customer satisfaction metrics is very crucial.

In today’s blog “Customer Satisfaction Score in Call Center”, we’ll explore customer satisfaction scores and how we can improve CSAT metrics. Let’s dive in :
What is the Customer Satisfaction Score in the Call Center
Customer Satisfaction or CSAT is one of the key metrics in the Call Center. It is primarily a survey method process in which a call center agent sends a survey to the customer after competition of chat/call and receives a rating (generally from 1-5) in return that measures how happy a customer is. CSAT can be described as :
The measure of how satisfied a customer is with the company’s product or services.
People often use NPS and CSAT interchangeable but there is subtle difference in both of them .
Read full blog on: Difference between NPS and CSAT
Now, let’s understand how a call center can improve Customer Satisfaction Score.
How to improve Customer Satisfaction Score in Call Center
In this segment we will focus on some call center metrics and agent behaviors that will help to improve CSAT of the process. Although we need to collectively work on all metrics, but some of the important ones are mentioned below:
1. Improve Response time :
Even if we are not able to resolve the customers query quickly, we can make customers happy when we response them on timely manner , irrespective of how many customers we are handling together (in chat process). Improving ART i.e. Average response time, certainly helps in keeping a customer engaged during a chat which results in satisfied customer.
The second aspect of improving response time is to work on FRT i.e. First Response Time customer, means how quickly a call center agent can response to the customer to pacify the customer after a long wait time due to high volume.
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A team leader needs to make sure that agents are not avoiding or skipping chats and that they respond quickly.
2. Focus on AHT :
AHT is one of the key metrics in call center. In both, outbound or inbound call center. AHT i.e. Average Handling Time is an important factor. To achieve high CSAT we should ensure that call center agents are neither taking too long time to handle the chat and resolve the query , nor they should wrap up the chat /call in a very short duration to handle the next customer. It means AHT should be balance and meeting the threshold given by the client.
The best way to gauge AHT compliance is to audit “Short” and “Long” chats/calls.
Now let’s discuss how investing on training and coaching on call center agents can help to improve CSAT.
3. Product Training :
Needless to mention that to handle a customer (especially irate one) effectively, It’s important to train call center agents really well on the product, especially when there’s a new update. This helps them handle customers, especially the upset ones. Additionaly a refresher training should be conducted whenever there is a new product update rolled out by the client.
A well trained expert, not only connects to the customer with confidence but he/she can also offer satisfactory and quick resolution to the customer keeping all call center metrics intact.
4. Soft Skills :
Not only product knowledge , but experts should also be coached on soft skills . The importance of soft skills can be understood with the fact that, despite of significant growth of Chat bot and other techniques in customer service industry, still customer’s prefer to have connect with a live expert as they expect a human emotional response from other side.
Some of the important soft skills must be developed in call center agents are :
- Empathy/ Sympathy
- Problem Solving
- Active Listening
- Customer Centric Approach
- How to communicate with customers
5. Identifying Outliers :
One of the main reasons of not achieving customer satisfaction score is because every agent is not performing good. Hence the best way to improve the CSAT Score is to identify the outliers from the process . There are different methods to identify outliers , some of the common methods are clustering, BQM Analysis, Agent quintiling etc.
Learn more: How to identify BQ agents from the process
In conclusion we can say that improving CSAT is an ongoing process that requires continuous and rigorous monitoring, training and work on outliers. Achieving a high CSAT does not only retain old customers but attracts new customers and oviously we can not underestimate the importance of feedback in achieving high CSAT.
At the end we can sum up this article by saying ”
High CSAT score not only signifies current success but lays the foundation for enduring customer relationships and a thriving business.
It’s time to pick some FAQs on “Customer Satisfaction Score in Call Center”.
FAQs :
1. What does CSAT stand for in a call center?
CSAT is an abbreviation for Customer Satisfaction Score.
2. What is customer satisfaction in a call Centre?
Customer satisfaction is the measure of how well a customer is satisfied/happy with a product or services
- Improve Response Rate
- Focus on AHT
- Product Training
- Identifying BQs