Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

How to create a Friendly Work Environment in a Call Center

Working in a call center environment is not everyone’s cup of tea. No work-life balance, rotational shifts, no fixed week offs and short deadlines to achieve targets are common reasons why most employees quit the call center industry in a short span.


Friendly Work Environment


Regardless of the industry if you want employees to be productive then creating a friendly working environment is very necessary. As our website covers the topic around the call center niche hence we will focus on the Call center industry

In this blog, I have outlined some tips by which you can create a fun and friendly environment for your employees in the team.

This blog is very useful if you are in a leadership position.

Let’s start today’s topic “How to create a friendly work environment in the call center?”

“How to create a friendly work environment in the call center?”

Tip 1. Be a leader, not a boss :

To create a friendly work environment you need to be a leader, not a boss. We all know the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss tries to rule the team by ordering the task while the leader inspires others and collectively works with the team to achieve the result. 

Often an employee does not approach his/her leader due to their bossy nature while finding it easy to connect with the person who has a leadership approach which resulted in high retention of employees and more productivity, hence if you want to create a friendly work environment in your team, you need to be a leader, not a boss.

The best quote that defines Tip 1 in one sentence is:

“A boss has employees whereas a leader has followers”.

Tip 2. Appreciate in public, criticize in private :

The best thing that excites an employee at work is to get credit or appreciation for the work done. If you want to create a friendly work culture in the office or the team, start appreciating your team members, and that too in front of other team members and a large audience so that the employee can feel motivated and others can learn too. 

Feedback is a good process for a healthy organization, but unlike appreciation, the feedback should be constructive and inside a room, which means private this way the employee would not feel embarrassed in front of everyone and can work on improving the performance.

Tip 3. Connect in 1:1 session:

Conducting 1:1 sessions in a timely manner can be very helpful for introverted employees who are afraid to speak in the group. While having 1 to 1 discussions they can be more interactive and share the problems or suggestions with confidence.

Frequently, the optimal frequency for conducting one-on-one sessions is on a weekly basis, allowing you to establish the meeting agenda as a dedicated time for non-work-related discussions.

These sessions boost confidence in employees and they feel the friendly environment of the team.

Tip 4. Conduct regular RnR sessions:

RnR is the abbreviation of Rewards and Recognition. As the name refers this program is conducted when an organization has to recognize its employees for their constant efforts. The duration of RnR programs may be monthly or quarterly.

Read More: Benefits of doing RnR program in Call Center? 

With the help of RnR programs employees feel that they are getting value and respect which not only boost their motivation but also they embrace this friendly work culture and associate with the organization for the long run.

Tip 5. Advocate your team members:

Standing with your team in every difficulty and taking their stand when they are right shows the quality of a true leader, every team member is looking for such a team leader, who will support him in the right thing and stand with him. 

Although there are many issues where even a team member can be wrong or a conflict between the team member and a leader, it is the duty of a team leader to share the right feedback with the member.

Such a supportive and friendly environment is what every employee looks for, especially in the call center industry.

Tips 6: Plan an outing trip:

Planning an outing is a very good idea if you are into the customer service or call center industry. A good outing can be a memory for lifetime and the employees feel refreshed and appreciated.

As a leader, you get time to spend with your team members which works as an icebreaker for a few introverted employees.

There are 2 ways you can plan an outing trip:

a. Company Sponsored:

If the outing is funded by an organization then consider it as a token of gratitude from the company to employees and you can decide the outing location as per the budget.

b. Self-funded:

If this outing is self-funded then try to search for the nearest location which can fit into your budget.

All in all, an outing doesn’t necessarily mean to be a lavish one rather good food, friendly coworkers, and fun games that’s all you need to make an outing memorable and to create a friendly work environment.



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