Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Types of Call Center Dialers

A call center is a place where tons of calls and chats are attended by call center agents daily. Call centers generally are of 2 types:

1: Inbound     

2. Outbound

Inbound call centers are where the customer connects the calls in real time and can not be managed or previewed.


Types of Call Center Dialers
Types of Call Center Dialers
Call Center Dialers


In outbound call centers, calls are managed by a dedicated team, commonly known as the dialer team.

In today’s blog, we will cover the role of the Dialer Team  and Types of Call Center Dialers. In addition to roles and responsibilities, below is the agenda of today’s blog:

  • What is Dialer
  • How does a dialer functions?
  • Popular Dialers in Call Center 
  • Types of Dialers with Pros and Cons

Without further ado let’s start today’s topic “Types of Call Center Dialers“.

but before that let’s understand “

What is a Dailer in a Call Center?

In layman’s language, the dialer term is used in association with (cell) phone/ mobile. This is simply an application on your mobile that allows a user to dial a number. 

For call centers as well, the work of a dialer remains the same, however, it depends on the type of dialer used by a call center. 

A Call Center dialer can be defined as:

A Software that automates the dialing process and call distribution to agents, also works as a broadcast messenger via, IVR and SMS.”

Often Call Center dialers are used in outbound call centers.

Now let’s understand how a call center dialer function

How does a Call Center dialer Function?

For smooth operation of the call center dialer, there is a dedicated dialer team in every outbound call center to manage the workload like, data segregation, data upload and agent mapping to the dialer, etc.


Dialer functioning is very simple. We have outlined below the step by-step process to arrange a dialer for a call center:

1. Upload the data on the dialer machine

2. Map the agent as per the queue.

3. Select the mode of the dialer.

3. Set the pace of the dialer.

And you are all set to launch the dialer.

After uploading the data on the dialer, the team sets a pace on the dialer as per the number of data available and dialer machine throws the data point to the available agents.

Now let’s discuss the Most Popular Call Center Dialers

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Types of Call Center Dialers

Although, there are many call center dialers available as per the call center’s requirement but these 5 dialers are widely used in most of the outbound call centers:

  • Fresh Desk
  • Talkdesk
  • Genesys
  • Five 9
  • Cloud Talk


Popular Dialers in Call Center
Popular Dialers in Call Center


Types of Dialers

There are 3 common Types of Call Center Dialers :




Let’s discuss them one by one:

1. Predictive:

The Predictive dialer works in Active Mode. If a call center wants to churn the data at a faster then, the predictive dialer is most commonly used.

The Predictive Dialer automatically dials the number uploaded in the dialer and distributes it to the available or idle agents. While the dialer is connecting the call to the customer the agent can not hear the voice of the “ring” sound and hears only the sound of the customer after the call gets connected.

Usage: In the collection or Retention process especially churning fresh data.

Pros :

  • Churn the data at a faster rate
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase the Staff Occupancy
  • No preview to agents.
  • Less time to fetch the data 
  • Can lead to agent fatigue, if used the whole day.

2. Progressive:

Unlike Predictive, Progressive dialer does not directly throw the call to the agent , rather it dials the number or allows the agent to dial the number that gives the time to agent to review the customer’s account.

Usage: Repetitive Non Contactable customers data.

Let’ look at the Pros and Cons of Progressive Dialer 

Pros :

  • Agents have a couple of secs to review the account
  • Rechurn the  non contactable customer.
  • Increase the Staff Occupancy
  • Churn the data at a lower rate.
  • Agents do unethical activities to stop the dialer.
  • Less productivity.

3. Preview:

As the name refers Preview dialers allows enough time for the agent to review the customer’s account. The Preview dialer displays a pop- up with the customer’s account details and after reviewing the details judiciously, the agent can dial the number when ready.

Usage: Non Contactable customers or Out of Station customers data.

Pros :

  • Agents have enough time to review the account
  • Rechurn the  non contactable customer.
  • Churn the data at lower rate.
  • Agents do unethical activities to stop the dialer.
  • Less productivity.
  • Reduce the Occupancy

How to choose the best dialer for a Call Center

How to Choose the best Dialer
How to Choose the best Dialer


If you are looking to choose the dialer for your call center, analyze below 3 points:

1.Scale of your customer

2.Nature of Business

3.Number of data Points



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